Q&A - Outdoor Mass, Tuesdays at 1 pm

Q&A - Outdoor Mass, Tuesdays at 1 pm

Q&A - Outdoor Mass, Tuesdays at 1 pm

# News

Q&A - Outdoor Mass, Tuesdays at 1 pm

Where and when will the outdoor Mass take place?

The outdoor Mass will be offered on Tuesdays at 1pm, on the front lawn of St Barnabas Church. (PLEASE NOTE - The High Mass will resume Sunday, 6 September at 10:30 am in the church. This will mean that the outdoor Mass on Sundays will be discontinued.) 

Why is the Mass being offered outdoors?

Given current circumstances, an outdoor service means risks are somewhat more manageable. This should also enable as many people as possible to participate in the celebration of the Mass. 

Will there still be Sunday worship available online?

Yes! Our prerecorded Sunday worship will continue to be streamed online. That means you have the choice to attend the 10:30 am outdoor Mass on Sunday in person or watch worship online at 10:30 am. Given that we are keeping the outdoor Mass as short as possible, you will still need to watch the sermon online

How long is the Mass?

Depending on the number of worshippers, the outdoor Mass should last between 15 - 25 minutes. 

What safety measures have been put place for the celebration of Holy Communion?

  1. Appropriate social distancing will be in place with the assistance of marshals.
  2. Individual orders of service will be provided. These will be dropped into boxes at the end of the service. 
  3. There will be no singing during the service.
  4. Communion will be offered in one kind only - wafer.
  5. The congregational wafers will be covered throughout the Eucharistic Prayer.
  6. The Celebrant or Minister will be the only person to handle the wafers and they will wear a visor and sanitise their hands before the start of the service and the distribution.
  7. Before the distribution the words ‘The body of Christ’ are spoken to the whole congregation, and all who intend to receive say, ‘Amen’ 
  8. During the distribution, Holy Communion is administered in silence. The consecrated wafer is be dropped into the hands of communicants who remain in their places.
  9. Those who do not wish to receive the Sacrament may choose to be blessed instead.

What if I struggle to stand?

Chairs will be provided for those who struggle to stand.  

Should I bring anything?

Only yourself and possibly an umbrella if it looks like there's a chance of a summer shower or even a bit too sunny!

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