8am Said Mass (first Sunday of the month)
This reflective service uses the beautiful language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and lasts approximately 45 minutes. There is a short sermon and plenty of contemplative space.
10.30am Noisy Mass (in the Small Hall)
A short, lively and interactive service for the under 4s and their carers followed by toys and fun in the STAY & PLAY! It's a great opportunity for parents to chat, while little ones are having fun with their friends.
10.30am Sung Mass (with children’s church)
The main service of the day combines choral music, depth of liturgy and accessible preaching. The Mass lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes and includes children's groups and participation from toddlers to teens.
6pm Choral Evensong (first Sunday of the month)
A beautiful service of evening prayer combining sung psalms, canticles and hymns.