Memory Café

Every Thursday, 10.30am to 12pm in the Church

It is a sobering thought that there are an increasing number of individuals who suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s or some form of memory loss.  Such a disability can easily lead to a loss of identity of self and others as the familiar becomes unfamiliar.  All to soon loneliness and isolation can become the norm.  At St Barnabas we are opening a Memory Cafe for all in our local community where those suffering from any form of memory loss, together with their carers, can come to spend time in fellowship in a non-threatening environment.  Memory games, music and song are only some of the activities that we will take place along with tea and cake. 

Do you know of anyone with memory loss or who is a carer for someone with this disability? If so please let them know of this initiative. 

There are various ways the congregation of St Barnabas can contribute to the work of this valuable community project.

    • Volunteer to come along, join in and chat to our members over a cup of coffee or tea.
    • Bring along someone you know who might be otherwise isolated, lonely or suffering from memory loss.
    • Offer to make a cake now and again for our members to enjoy.
    • Offer to join our set-up team -  20 minutes of your time at 10am on Thursdays to put up tables and set out chairs.
    • Offer to lead an activity – singing, craft, art whatever you are skilled in; come and share it with our members.
    • Offer to collect someone who is housebound and drive them to the café and then take them home again afterwards.

As you can see there is a lot you could do to bring a bit of sunshine to the lives of those with memory issues or loneliness and their carers.  Please do think about joining us, there is a very warm welcome for you together with coffee and cake!

To talk further, contact Mother Valerie Aitken (assistant priest at St B) on 07968345992 or

The Memory Cafe will be open in the church each Thursday from 10.30 am to 12pm and conclude with a short act of worship in the church. This will complement our Thursday Pop-In which will continue to run at  2.30 pm in the church.